
Can Tylenol with Codeine give a false reading in a urine test for methamphetamines?


1 Answers

Lynn Blakeman Profile
Lynn Blakeman answered

Both Tylenol and Codeine contain opiates, so there is a chance you could test positive for this substance.

Are these on prescription or over the counter medication? 

If on prescription, all you need to do is tell the person testing you that you have been taking these and there shouldn't be a problem, though they are likely to check with your doctor.

Obviously, a lot will depend on how many you have been taking, and whether it will look like 'normal' use. If so, I don't see a problem but if you have been abusing them, it's time to think of a reason.

If you have time to get these out of your system before the test, that would obviously be best.

Otherwise, it will be a case of either being honest and telling them that you have been taking them, or playing it calm until they call to tell you their findings, at which point you need to act shocked.

I hope it works out for you, let me know how it goes.

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