
How Long Does Vicodin Stay In Your System?


15 Answers

Charlie Proofer Profile
Charlie Proofer answered
The length of time that any drug or chemical can stay in your system varies not only between substances but also from person to person as everyone metabolises at different rates. This can largely be due to the person’s weight, diet and amount of body fat. It can also depend on how much you have taken and for how long you have been a regular user.

This painkiller stays in your system for around four hours, however traces of the medicine will still be found for around 72 hours. Generally, a urine test will show that you have taken Vicodin up to three days after you last took it. A hair specimen could show you positive for Vicodin for up to and beyond three months!

Vicodin is a pill that contains a combination of acetaminophen and hydrocodone, which belongs to a group of drugs called narcotic pain relievers. Acetaminophen is a less potent pain reliever, however it is included in Vicodin because it enhances the effects of hydrocodone thus making it more effective. Vicodine is a strong painkiller that is used to treat cases of moderate to severe pain.

Vicodin can only be obtained from a pharmacist after you have been prescribed it by a Doctor. It is not an over the counter medicine because the hydrocodone can cause people to become addicted. Therefore you should only use Vicodin if you have been prescribed it by a Doctor.

If you are due to take a drug test, whether it is blood, urine or hair, simply inform the person in charge that you have been prescribed Vicodin (as it will probably show up as a narcotic because of hydrocodone). You will probably have to show them proof so take along the prescription you were given, possibly accompanied by a signed note from your doctor.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The fact is every single person's body is different I have been a regular vicodin popper for 10 + years now. I got into trouble and have to take random court ordered drug screens I find out the night before if I have to take one.  If I do take one I take it the next day, so I don't take any vicodin after 10 pm and I take my test by 3pm the following day and I have never failed my drug tests.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You guys are fuu guys are hilarious, this guy screamin about how vicodin is an opiate like he knows something just referred to it as a 500 mg pill when the 500 stnands for the amount of acetometaphin/Tylenol the amount of actual opiate in the pill most commonly comes in 5/7.5/ and 10mg. It's impossible for vicodin to metabolize out of your system in less than 3 days. Now you may show a false negative depending on the type if test , but if it's blood or a screening by a lab it will be no less than three days. If you people want to post a response make sure you know what your talking about. Otherwise these people will be in deep crap because they listened to you
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Vicodin IS in the opiate class!  (1) 500mg pill will be out of your system in 8 hours  NOT 5 days.  Therefore it depends on your intake.  There is NO set answer for this question!
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Your an idiot, the medicinal effects last 4-6 hours, but the drug stays in your system for 3-5 days or longer.... Plus vicodin doesn't come in a 500mg pill. It is usually a 5/500 or 7.5/500 pill, there us other strengths. The first number us the amount of opiate and the second is Tylenol. GET IT Right , it drives me crazy when people say "I have 500's or 750's" NO U DON'T cuz that would kill the average person
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have a possible pre-employment drug screen wed morning. I hurt my back yeserday and took 1 vicodin 500 yesterday and 1 this morning. Do you think that low of dosage will show up on wednesday morning. I never take them.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I took one 500mg vicodine on a friday went to take a drug test Wednesday  and I pass my test so it only take 3 -5 days to get out off your system
Shumaela Rana Profile
Shumaela Rana answered
In blood stream it can stay not more than three or four days but this is possible that some of its affects remain there in the hairs or nails.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Best situation for getting off Vicodin and Morphine for pain is to utilize Green....if you don't have testing of course. I am early retired. Green got me off both those nasty, brain screwing RX meds that I gobbled down for about 12 years. In one month I was off everything. My goodness do I feel better. My normal personality, humor and energy is back. Big difference. I am dealing with the pain head on and it's not as bad as I thought it might be. I will say this, were I to get to the point where the pain becomes unbearable, I would probably go back to Vicodin for some semblance of quality of life. Morphine and muscle relaxers never again. Love the Green. Go Green!
Aisha Profile
Aisha answered
There is not a fixed duration as it depends on the amount of intake and the metabolism of your body. But normally it will remain in your body for at least 5 days.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Over 5 days I know this 4 a fact just failed a drug screen thank god I have a doctors script
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
From my experience a good few days to completely get it out of your system. I took 2-3 a day when I had my wisdom teeth out and well I wasn't exactly 100% alert. To the responses above, vicodin is an opiate.
Yooti Bhansali Profile
Yooti Bhansali answered
Vicodin is a pain killer which is also an opiate, and could cause damage to the liver if used in high doses over a long period of time. It can also prove to become very addictive if used extensively, and those taking vicodin on a regular basis may experience withdrawal symptoms like lack of sleep, uneasiness etc.

The dosage of vicodin totally depends on individual factors like weight, age and also what other medication is currently being consumed by the patient.

Vicodin, if taken on a regular basis, can be detected in the urine for a considerably long period of time. Generally a drug screen is used for employment purposes and vicodin showing up in the drug screen depends on factors like what kind of drug screen is used etc. Usually the drug stays in the system for around 24 to 36 hours, although one should stop taking in five days in advance to be completely sure.
Katie Harry Profile
Katie Harry answered
Vicodin is a brand name which consists of a mixture of acetaminophen and hydrocodone. Some chemicals are said to remain in body for about 72 to 78 hours. It is said that vicodin effects remain in ones body for 72 hours if it is purpose for a drug test.

Otherwise vicodin for the pain killing affects will stay for like 4 hours in ones system.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Vicodin/Oxycodone.Hydrocodone are ALL OPIATES...I just saw that "guest" said they are really need to check your facts because all narcotic pain killers are opiates....just the same as methadone and Oxycontin......the only pain pill that is not an opiate is tramadol......Check the RX leaflet from your pharmacy.....geez!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
From my experience vicodin is usually out of your system within 3 days along with most other opioids. However each person is different and it may be longer.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
I took 2 Vicodin (5/500 mg one time only. How long does it stay in system.I am active,riding my bike daily.

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