Jennifer Michelcic
Jennifer Michelcic answered question
Honey can be one cure but believe it or not but I use hydrogen peroxide on my face & neck daily. Within 2 days my pimples were gone and I had clusters of pimples on the side of my face that I popped back in high school which left discoloration. After using Hydrogen Peroxide (H202) … Read more
Jennifer Michelcic
Jennifer Michelcic answered question
All this deoderant talk probably isn't going to stop you from sweating. I used to sweat under my armipits... Constantly for about 1/2 my life & I'm 31 now. If you sweat constantly... Even in 18 degree weather you might have hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis is a condition when someone sweats excessively regardless if it's 90 degrees … Read more