Yes you can. Just put about a quarter of an 8mg and shake up the pee so it mixes together. Ive done it several times. I just get clean pee and do that.
Can someone tell me if this actually worked for them? I need to do the same thing. I have clean urine and need to put a sub in the urine. Will the test make me pass. Please. Answer. Asap.
If I put a piece of suboxone in clean urine will I test positive for it tomorrow
I'm trying it today so hopefully it works. Because I havent been clean but have clean pee I jus need sub to show up in it.
To the guy afraid of withdrawals who took roxis's, you can take a roxi at 4pm Tuesday and then 2pm Wednesday take suboxone and you'll be fine. I do opiates and suboxone every week. I take suboxone Monday through Thursday, and then Friday and Saturday I take opiates then sunday night or whenever the time is I'm on back on subs through thursday... Like clockwork. Just wait 18-24 hours between opiates and suboxone.
To the person who wrote this post: Did you try putting a piece of Suboxone in clean urine, and did it work? I've got a doc app this evening, and I ran out of subs over a week ago cause I left them in a hotel room and they got stolen! Since withdrawels SUCK, I took some Roxi's a few days ago. I bought a half a sub yesterday, but since I'm afraid that the Roxi's are still in my system, I want to use clean urine and put some of the sub in it so I can test positive for Suboxone. So did it work??? Please let me know ASAP! Thanks!
I have two pee @ 2:00pm today some one please just re assure me that putting sub in the urine thing works don't want to show for the benz thats all !AND THANK YOU WHOEVER DOES I HAVE HEARD FROM SOME THAT I KNOW PERSONALY THAT IT DOES JUST NEED TO PUT IT TO REST I HAVE TRIED IT BRFORE MAYBEE IT WASNT ENOUGH?