Does Strip Natural Cleanser Or Strip Nc From Gnc Work On Thc For Passing A Drug Test?


13 Answers

Lia Louis Profile
Lia Louis answered
Strip NC is kind of hit or miss. People pass after using it and people fail too. Strip NC is anything, but a 100% success rate. Strip NC is basically a detox which is used to help cleanse the body off toxins sooner than the time it will actually take to get rid of your system. They’re not the magic wands that will convert Thc metabolites into something undetectable as most people might think. Most of these products pass drug tests work by dilution and therefore, the success rate might have something to do with drinking a lot in addition to using the detox.

The best idea would be to drink plenty of water along with Strip NC. Drinking a lot of water will make you pee a lot hence reducing the concentration of Thc metabolites in your blood. You diluted urine will also not have enough Thc. If the concentration of Thc metabolites is high you’re likely to fail the test. Make sure you don’t dilute it too much and spoil the test, because the lab guys will give you another date for test if your urine sample is too dilute. If your system already has very high concentrations of Thc then it might not be possible to dilute without diluting too much. Dilution technique doesn’t last long because the Thc will be restored from the stock stored in your fatty tissue, but it can help you pass the test.

Some test measure creatinine clearance to test for dilution where the creatinine takes 24-72 hours to metabolize from creatine which is present in Strip NC. Thus, you must use Strip NC accordingly and not blindly follow the famous myth of taking it 4 hours before a test. It will not work that way.
thanked the writer.
Lilly Thomas
Lilly Thomas commented
I do NOT exercise regularly nor do I drink a lot of water, so those variables can’t be attributed to my negative result.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes it really works I smoked like 3 days ago and smoked all last week and went to my probation and passed my test thank god drink the little bottle of red stuff and then a 20oz bottle of water then I drank a coke to keep color in my pee it works n 30 mins you will pass I only peed one time after I drank the water then drank the coke n held my pee for the test and passed
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
OK IT WORKS!!!    I drank two big cups of water before I took the pill... Then after  I took the pill I took 4-5 big cups of water and then started peeing I peed like 4 times my piss was clear as hell and then around the 4th piss I had to pee in a cup and it was turning into a light tint of yellow thats when I went to take the piss tests

and got the jobbbbb!
I smoked 2 days ago and I got a drug test at 11am. Its 9am now, I drank like 5 or 6 bottles of water and now I'm drinking the strip natural cleanser grape 32oz bottle. I weigh like 135-140lbs. I hope this works. Ill post another comment when I get back to let yall know if it works or not... Wish me luck!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
In my opinion and from experience most things work at first but eventually fail if you are using them over and over.  It's like this the thc (in your system)keeps building every month but the product you are using stays the same.
Every time you should push your cut off day(of smoking) back more and more,  before the test.  Good luck.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have not seen my probation officer yet but it does work on hospital drug tests.  Will now for sure this week.  Good luck and yes I think it works.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My research comes up 50/50 with this stuff, I already bought it, but haven't been told when my drug test will be, I start the job on Monday.  I'm going to start out making 18 an hour so this is pretty big for me, I really need this stuff to work for me,

any other comments?
Eric Hurst Profile
Eric Hurst answered
I used it for probation. Its worked 4 times so far, and I go again to my last test tomorrow. I trust it since it has worked, but the only thing. You MUST DRINK LOTS OF WATER AND PISS ALOTTT. If I pass tomorrow, ill be back to post again. Strip nc softgel is what I use
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I've used it once already to pass the US Postal Service drug testing. I passed. I will say I had stopped smoking for almost 3 weeks prior to using it. I will also say that because you have to drink so much water after using better set aside the rest of the day for all the churning and cramping you'll feel in your guts after you use it. Passing the test was worth it though. Too bad I ultimately got laid off from the job.

Now I'm in the same situation again and will again rely on Strip.

Obviously, you shouldn't expect anything to work right after you've just smoked ... So if you can, stop smoking for as long as possible before your test. The longer the better...but also, start drinking plenty of water everyday up till the day before your test. The more you urinate the more toxins you remove from your body. I've heard that cranberry juice is also excellent because it tastes good and makes you piss.

I also just read that taking 4 aspirin an hour before your test has some effect in confusing the test and yeilding a positive result...however I've never tried this. It's cheap it enough of an idea that it's probably worth spending the money on a home test kit to see if the 4 aspirin an hour before works before buying Strip. .

To answer someone's question...I am a believer. It did work for me. .
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm 220 lbs and smoke aprox. 2 grams a day. Last time smoked was 2am. Drug test at 4:30. That is a total of 14.5 hours between consumption and testing. I am the most likely to fail according to what little info I have got from various boards. I'll have answers tomorrow about 15 mins after the test. Wish me luck...probably need it. If it don't work ill come on here and tell you how bad it sucked.
Jennifer D Watson Profile
Jennifer D Watson , ha ya right , answered

Okay get this I took it it followed it to the t ans I failed and I did a small line of coke 3 weeks ago . I heard coke was out of your system in 4 days tops n I only does coke maybe 4 or 5 times a year . I dont know what I failed for its sent to the lab .I am pretty shocked . The only reason I took it was because I had a inconclusive one 2 weeks b4 and they ended up loseing my paper work so I was lucky enough to do another one .So I have no clue why I failed I should have been clean n e ways .Does anyone know if labs can detect nc strip ???

thanked the writer.
Lilly Thomas
Lilly Thomas commented
Sorry to hear that!

Strip "extra strength" worked for me (thank God). I am 5’4, 120 pounds.

I took Adderall the week prior and klonopin the night before to sleep. I woke up at 6am, drank the 16 ounce STRIP nc and consumed 32 ounces of water. I completed the 10-panel UDS at 9:00am: three hours after starting the flush.

NOTE: I do NOT exercise regularly nor do I drink a lot of water, so those variables can’t be attributed to my negative result.
geoff hearald Profile
geoff hearald answered
So I also just bought the STRIPcleanser extra strength with 4 pills and a 1 0z bottle. Going to drink mad water cranberry juice and excercise. Was wondering if I should take the clenser now a week befor my MEPS piss test or wait till a couple days before. There pretty stricked on dillutants so asking some one to anwser me asap, about to take it next hour or so. I wouldnt had smoke for 10 days by test time ill take the clenser and excersise the rest of the week
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Took a 5 mg pill on saturday nothing else, got tested the next thursday and the opiate was detected. I took 32 oz of strip nc as directed 6 hours before test and failed, this is a rip off do not trust it.

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