
How Much Do I Have To Drink To Flush Vicodin Out Of My System In 24 Hours?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Vicodin can't be forced out of the system by sheer volume of drinking; it's absorbed into other parts of your body besides your intestinal tract. Vicodin is comprised of hydrocodone and acetaminophen and has half-life of about 4 hours, depending on the dosage. That means that after about 8 hours, you'll still have about a quarter of the original levels of hydrocodone/acetaminophen in your blood. Acetaminophen can appear in urine tests up to 24 hours after administration, so I imagine that there's not much you can do about your situation.

But please, don't try drinking massive amounts of water. You could severely damage your body by unbalancing electrolytes. There was something in the news a while back about a woman who died because she got into a water-drinking contest for a Wii, or an iPod or something.
Krystal DeLaRosa Profile
Nothing can flush drugs out of your body. Vicodin is an opiate. Opiates stay in the system 3 days on average. Drinking a lot is harmful to your kidneys and is diluting your system. You end up urinating what you are putting in and not getting drugs out any quicker.
Chris Tackett Profile
Chris Tackett answered
Opiates usually stay in your system for between 3 - 7 days depending on the amount and frequency used. I would suggest drinking lots and lots of water. You should be able to flush it out of your system.
Krystal DeLaRosa Profile
The least amount of time Vicodin will be in your system is 3 days. You can't get it out any sooner than that no matter what you do.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The best way to find out to take your weight and divide by 2. Then divide that number by 8. Thats how you find out how 8 oz glasses of water to drink. This is optional you can take a a 8oz glass of orange juice and take a teaspoon of Epsom salt and clean you system from head to toe. But that after you get at least 4 glasses of water out you system.

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