How Can I Pass A Urine Drug Test Within 24 Hours For Oxycontin?


13 Answers

Emma kay Profile
Emma kay answered
Unfortunately, this is not entirely possible. It takes approximately two to three days for any traces of drugs or alcohol to pass out of your body through your urine. Everyone breaks down substances at different rates.

Some people claim that there are methods which you can use to help speed this process along which they swear by. They recommend taking 60 to 80 500 mg cranberry pills, the gel kinds, with water. Take them eight to 10 times over 12 to 18 hours with a pint of water each time. This method was used by someone who says they took Oxycontin 12 hours before a urinary drug test and that this method worked for them.

It is unlikely though that the above method will work. Neither will drinking a lot of water because the drugs pass into your bloodstream and cannot be flushed out by simply drinking a lot of water. If failing a drug test is going to impact your career then maybe you should think twice before taking drugs again.

A lot of people also claim that the majority of narcotics will be cleared out of your system within 24  hours, although they admit that this can vary so it is not worth putting all of your faith in. It all largely depends on how much you took and for how long you have been taking it. If you didn't take a lot and you haven't been a user for very long, you could get lucky. If you are a regular users and have been for a long time, then one dose of Oxycontin could stay in your system for up to 72 hours. Others say that you can buy three-hour detox drinks from certain stores that are designed to flush any toxins (including narcotics) out of your system quickly, although this might not be a very healthy option.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I wonder when people answer this question do they have real experience. FACT... This is my experience and is only with oxycontin 80 (OC 80 mg) used as much as 3x80 mg pills daily for 2 years) but I would think it works for all opiates because they are testing for the metabolite (morphine) which is the same for any opiate. I have passed every urine test for federal probation after snorting oxycontin, once as little as 12 hours before the test. I passed by taking 60-80, 500 mg cranberry pills (I have found the gel tabs are the best for quicker clean) with water and taken 8-10 times over the 12-18 hours (8-10 each time with a pint of water). The test has always been Immunoassay screening (cup stick) which generally has a limit of detection of around 300 ng/ml for opiate (morphine) which is the same for GC/MS analysis. Generally both tests have the same limits of detection, set the same only with opiates. For other drugs the GC/MS has lower limits of detection, so you could be negative with immunoassay screening but positive by by GC/MS analysis. I have passed 20-25 tests over a year and I used every day, without fail. I had a friend who was going to be tested by GC/MS analysis for work and had him do the same and he was negative for opiate after doing oxycontin 16 hours earlier. Do not know why it works and I again have only experience with opiates, OC 80 mg. Started doing it 24 hours before and through experience found that I can do it as little as 12 hours before! To be safe give yourself 24 hours and then work down. I tried to do only 8 hours and I was positive so I went back to 12+ hours. May work with heroin, just another opiate that metabolizes to morphine. They could test for the other heroin metabolite 6-monoacetylmorphine which is specific to heroin but have never seen it done.

The best way to be negative is just stop using before you ruin your life, that too is from experience!

Good Luck
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
When people answer this question do they have
real experience. FACT... This is my experience and is only with oxycontin 80
(OC 80 mg) used as much as 3x80 mg pills daily for 2 years) but I would think
it works for all opiates because they are testing for the metabolite (morphine)
which is the same for any opiate. I have passed every urine test for federal
probation after snorting oxycontin, once as little as 12 hours before the test.
I passed by taking 60-80, 500 mg cranberry pills (I have found the gel tabs are
the best for quicker clean) with water and taken 8-10 times over the 12-18
hours (8-10 each time with a pint of water). The test has always been
Immunoassay screening (cup stick) which generally has a limit of detection of
around 300 ng/ml for opiate (morphine) which is the same for GC/MS analysis.
Generally both tests have the same limits of detection, set the same only with
opiates. For other drugs the GC/MS has lower limits of detection, so you could
be negative with immunoassay screening but positive by by GC/MS analysis. I
have passed 20-25 tests over a year and I used every day, without fail. I had a
friend who was going to be tested by GC/MS analysis for work and had him do the
same and he was negative for opiate after doing oxycontin 16 hours earlier. Do
not know why it works and I again have only experience with opiates, OC 80 mg.
Started doing it 24 hours before and through experience found that I can do it
as little as 12 hours before! To be safe give yourself  24 hours and then work down. I tried to
do only 8 hours and I was positive so I went back to 12+ hours. May work with
heroin, just another opiate that metabolizes to morphine. They could test for the other heroin metabolite 6-monoacetylmorphine
which is specific to heroin but have never seen it done.

The best way to be negative is just stop using before you
ruin your life, that too is from experience!
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Hi can u answer this, i took 4 30mg roxys a day for 5 days prior to the 5 panel drug, i didnt take any for 14 hours prior to the test, i think the cut off for opiates is 2000, will i be under the limit, i know it will be in my system but do you think it will be losw enough not to test positive, i know its over with and cant do anything, but i still have 12 hours to wait (they said if anything was over the therapeutic level they would call in 24 hours) i also have prescription so i should be ok
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Some places make 3 hour detox drinks and sit but those may not be all that effective. Or synthetic urine which can be found at most head shops Good Luck
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Cause oxy s are synthetic(man made) they will usually not show in a regular 5 type screen test
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
5 panels don't check for roxy's.
David Mawson Profile
David Mawson answered

I have a drug test tomorrow at 9am.  I've been shooting 4-5 morphine 30's for the past few days and stopped today at 3pm.  If I drink a shit-ton of water and swallow a bunch of 8400mg super cranberry gel tabs, will i still test positive for opiates?  Thanks!!!

Krystal DeLaRosa Profile
You can't pass if you are dirty unless you tamper with the urine or use someone else's urine. This is almost impossible with today's technology and they have camera's & watch you,so... If you're dirty, you're dirty. Oxycontin stays in the system 3 days. 5-7 days if you use regularly.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hey DWXY2008 I just wanted to let you know that I was doing oc 80mg for about five months and doing about 5-10 80's a day and then got caught and got tested a month and a half after I stopped using and I still came up  dirty on the test for oc so yes it can stay in your system for thirty days
bon scott Profile
bon scott answered
Go buy the wizzanater a fake penis that is filled with synthetic urine it works whether your piss tested court ordered or any other test but it,s exspensive
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I snorted 2 oxycodones (but my friend snorted half of those too) friday night, and I have a drug test tomorrow(wed) will they be completely out by then? I think the drug test is a ten panel.
Deborah Wacker Profile
Deborah Wacker answered
Oxycotin is a very addictive drug and will take up to 30 days to get out of your system depending on how much and how long it was taken.

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