
Does Drinking Alcohol Help Clean Your System Of Drugs Or Opiates?


8 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Just drink a lot of cranberry juice and water I also have vitamin b helps. I'm in a simialar situation were I have a drug test in 36 hours and I'm on opiates . Just try to flush.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My buddy is on parole and has drug tests once a month. He swears that drinking a lot of alcohol helps him get clean from meth in about 3-4 days. It takes me a full week normally to get clean from crystal. But, I quit that stuff a couple years ago, so, I haven't tried his method. Good luck.
Natalie Wolff Profile
Natalie Wolff answered
Of course alcohol leaves you body, its kind of like poison (even thought its not) and if it stayed in your body you would die.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You because when you drink a lot of alcohol you piss every 5min that clears your system
pete bradley Profile
pete bradley answered
No alcohol will not clean you body of THC only the liver can do that it takes anything up-to 6 months to clear depending on your saturation levels ie you smoked twenty joints a day for ten years it would take along time ,you smoked one joint in your life and not done it since then around ten days. Alcohol takes 24 hrs from the last sip to be out the body. THC gets into the flesh and brain so its bloody hard to shift fast!
Krystal DeLaRosa Profile
Lortab stays in the system 3 days no matter what. Best just to be honest and let them know prior to the drug test that it will be positive.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No it does not! Alcohol also is considered a drug itself. Drinking alcohol stays in your system 24-36 hours depending what you drank and how much.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Poop dick gays love your nephews and hide in the shadows awaiting your nephews return from soccer practice and then kidnap them and turn them in to terrorists and then they are caught in L.A.X. With bombs and then the security shoots them and they are really killing two birds with one stone. They are ridding one gay man from earth, and one terrorist. :)

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