
How Long Does It Take Oxycodone To Get Out Of Your System? I Took 50 Ml On Saturday Night And Took A Drug Test On Monday Night? Will It Show Up? I Drank A Lot Of Water Also.


13 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Oxycodone can stay in your system for between two and five days depending on your metabolic rate. Things that can affect metabolism are the amount and frequency of your drug taking, your body mass (size), your age, your tolerance to drugs or alcohol, your overall health, and how the drugs were taken: Swallowed, inhaled, smoked or injected.

Oxycodone is a narcotic pain reliever, similar to morphine, and is used to treat moderate to severe pain. Because it has an extended release, it is used for round-the-clock pain treatment.

Oxycodone may be habit forming, so should never, ever be taken by someone who has a drug addiction, even if they are clean at that moment. Alcohol should never be drunk while taking oxycodone because that could lead to dangerous side effects and can even result in death. It is important, therefore, to check the ingredients of any other medications that you may be taking, and check food labels, too, to make sure that you don’t inadvertently take any alcohol while on this medication.

Don’t ever take more oxycodone than you have been prescribed, and don’t ever let anyone else take any of your prescription. Oxycodone can inhibit reactions and thinking times, so extreme care should be taken if you need to do anything that requires you to be alert when you are taking this medication.

Because of the nature of this drug, you should never just stop taking your medication or you will suffer unpleasant withdrawal symptoms; talk to your doctor to find out the best way to avoid these.

Never, ever take oxycodone when you are pregnant or breast feeding, otherwise you could harm your baby.
lex silver Profile
lex silver answered
Oh my god! How I sit here & read all these post..& there r people that suffered like me.I just got off perc's I took over 150 in a month& just did cold turkey 2day is day 3 but.  The 1st 2days where the most worse & hardest!!! But god is good & with him I will get threw this.. I promise 2 stay clean & never ever look back..I promise 2 god &  family & friends who love me..every 1 out there goin threw this stay strong & ask god for strength ..DON'T GIVE UP THERE'S LIGHT @ THE END OF THE TUNNEL..god bless....
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It all depends on your body but the average person it takes anywhere from 36-72 hours. To speed up the process I usually take cranberry extract pills and drink a lot of cranberry juice. Also, I take a shot of vinegar before bed. I don't know if vinegar works or not but I test clean every time so I don't want to take the chance if that is what is helping me pass and I usually only give myself about 24 hours.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Oxycontin is an opioid derivative and is used to treat pain. It comes under category of narcotic analgesic. This drug can cause addiction and tested in drug test. This drug test can measure the medicinal use values and drug addiction values. It can be tested positive in blood for 6 hours. Single dose of Oxycontin can be tested in urine for 2 days and chronic use for 2-5 days. In hair follicles, this drug can be tested for 90 days.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I took an at home drug test on sunday night at 10 oclock and I took a 30mg Roxi saturday at 3 oclock I usually take one every 24 hours and I came up clean I also take a lot of vitamin C and 9 cranberry pills every day I bought them at walgreens I do small amounts of exercise run half mile a day push ups sit ups and pull ups I drink a lot of fluids and I pee about 15 times a day if you don't clean the pipes it will stay in the system. The lab will not test it unless the dip stick comes up positive than they seriously test it. I weigh 180 and I'm 5 10 and I have no stress
Good luck to all and remember Clean the pipes
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I gave that answer about sure gel w out trying it first. That advice is wrong, it didnt work! And I used 2 boxes of sure gel twice-yes 4 boxs and  I failed miserably-now who's the idiot!  I am now facing the possibility of going back 2 jail and prison based on my charges.  If you have drug tests, its probably bc youre being given a second chance! Don't cheat yourself.  WDs suck but nothing is worse than going through the same cycle over and over again.  I didnt think I could do it but I am and you can too.  Give yourself at least 72 hrs before a drug test (for a one time use-habitual is longer!) but the BEST thing you can do for yourself is quit.  I promise.  The longer you take and more you take the harder it will b and it only gets harder every time. Don't GIVE UP ON YOURSELF.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

A friend of mine took 1 pill of oxycodone for pain in her back and she is feeling the side effects of nausea and vomiting and diarrhea. How long does it take to work out of the system?

ray of light Profile
ray of light answered
Oxycodone long-acting tablets should be used only to treat people who need scheduled pain medication to treat pain for an extended period of time. Oxycodone is a pure agonist opioid whose principal therapeutic action is analgesia. The half life of Oxycodine is 4.5 hours and complete drug elimination time is 12 hours. Any how to get negative in test wait for 24 hors.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't know exactly how long it takes to get out of your system. All I know is that I took three 5 mg Lortab on a Saturday night and I had a drug test on Tuesday morning and it was still in my system. Don't chance it!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Unless you are being tested here really soon you should be fine as it only takes 2-5 days to clear your system with chronic use for urine tests, and 24 hours in blood tests... If it is a hair test I would worry as it can show up in hair for up to 90 days.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Oxycodone is detectable in urine 3-5 days post use for a normal therapeutic dose, oxycodone is commonly given in 5-80 mg dosages.  So I believe you are referring to a 5/325 which is 5 mg oxycodone and 325 aspirin.  325 mg of oxycodone would be enough to kill most people in a 1 day period.  Oxycontin is oxycodone as well as percocet.  40 mg of oxycodone is enough to make someone not used to using the medication ill.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Ehhh before i went to rehab i was sniffing anywhere from 250-320 mg of roxicodone almost every day. No intake is to outlandish, tolerance builds as do those MGs to get ya good. If ya can even get high anymore, just not sick.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I was told it will show up through a urine drug screening for 72 hours.  However, I am a narcotics patient and was tested 24 hours after running out of my medication and it did not show up at all in my system.  Now they are accusing me of not taking my medications.  Regardless, I was told the test is accurate for a 72 hour period, but I sincerely doubt it personally.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
In my experience 24 -36 for 15 mg and 48- 72 for 30mg if your drinking tons of water. Also try drinking sure gel (pectin) mixed w water 1 hr before your test. That should help cover traces but only for 2-3 hrs after the hour it takes to work

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