Please don"t give me dumb answers,I want to hear from someone that has been successfull in shooting the new 80's,if not keep your dumb comments to yourself
First crush it up as fine as you can then use a two 1 cc syringes filled with alchol let it sit and break down stir occ then take syringe and cotton and put in a big spoon or do what I do use the bottom of a sod can and cook at a slow boil until the alchol is all gone you should be left with a yellowish slash brown substance. Add water cook a lil bit add cotton pull and enjoy
Gee, I would imagine the whole reason behind making it that way is to discourage people from shooting it. Can you imagine what is in that Gel? Pretty dumb if you ask me.
As far as I know you can't.. So I hope you seek suboxone and not heroin since they made them not injectable my friend....