Does nucynta and tramadol show up the same in urine test?


3 Answers

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

From what I read on this site. They both won't show up. Take a look at it and see for yourself.

Please help does nucynta and tramadol show up the same in drug ... › ... › Diseases & Conditions › Chronic Pain

Cheryl Hackett Profile
Cheryl Hackett answered

No, they won't show up the same in a drug test.  Nucynta is a class 2 scheduled drug that has opioids in it. (This will show up in a drug test.)

Tramadol (Ultram) is a class 4 scheduled drug that has OPIOID-LIKE substance in it.  (I don't think this will show up in a drug test, unless they specifically order for this drug to be tested for.)

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