
How Long Does Cocaine Stay In A Fetus System?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you ingested it after the 16th week of pregnancy it will stay in the

baby's system until after it is born as babies do not pass stools until

after they are born. This stool is called meconium. The meconium is

what the hospital tests for drugs after the baby is born it starts

being produced by your baby in the 16th week of life
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
That really depends since the fetus system is not active it may not be able to get rid of the substance form its blood supply and might get into its cells even worst its cells might become dependent on the cocaine in order to conduct metabolic reactions this might pose big problems when the child is born.dude what the heck y would you do coke when your pregnant any way
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Oh my god! You should not be doing coke while you are pregnant!! Think about your baby more than yourself

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