
How Long Does Cocaine Stay In Breast Milk?


14 Answers

Joe Gilbert Profile
Joe Gilbert answered
I really would not want to answer this question purely because a number of people may read it and decide to take cocaine then, after a certain length of time, breast feed their child based on the response to this question. If a person were seriously wanted to breast feed and had in the recent past taken cocaine, I would advise consulting a GP anyway.  In addition to this, the length of time cocaine stays in the system and could be found in breast milk can depend on how much has been taken and how frequently.

Personally speaking, I would not breast feed for at least a good few of weeks after taking cocaine just in case any traces were still present in the body to be passed on. For those who are going to continue taking cocaine regardless of the fact they have a child, then it is clear that this would be one of the only times when breast is not best; in this case I would seriously suggest using formula from day one. Babies lose out on benefits of breast milk when they are given formula, however if the mother is taking any kind of recreational drug, the risks involved far outweigh the benefits.

Cocaine is highly toxic to babies and the advice given clearly states that breast feeding mothers should absolutely not be using cocaine at all. This is not to say that if a person were to stop taking cocaine completely that they should not start breast feeding their child; however I would certainly advise waiting as long as possible and would even consult a doctor to double check what time length they would advise. The advice I would give is if cocaine has been taken recently or is frequently used, do not breast feed, and consult a GP or health care professional.
Krystal DeLaRosa Profile
Cocaine stay in breast milk as long as the drug is in your system. Can be as little as 3 days and as much as 10 days, depending on amount used and length of time used.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You should take the baby to the doctor and let them know that the baby may have been exposed to cocaine.    Also you should purchase several days worth of over the counter drug tests for cocaine specifically and take one everyday until it comes back negative.  In the mean time in order to keep your breast milk supply up you need to pump and dump every 2-4 hours depending on the baby's nursing schedule.  We are all imperfect and make mistakes in life.  Take a deep breath and learn from this mistake.
Krystal DeLaRosa Profile
3 days if used once. 7-10 days with regular use.
It usually takes 4 days to clean the system from cocaine that is for the normal dose, once the system is clean then the milk is clean but  it might take more coz the metabolism of the body in such period is really complicated as the whole body chemistry is changing due to pregnancy, what you eat, and the amount of water you drink, the more you live a healthy life the faster your body gets cleaner
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am really nervous. I did about 5 lines last night between 6 and 11 p.m. I just nursed my baby at 4:30 a.m. One side only...should I take her to a doctor?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
That is the most retarded thing I have ever heard....why would you do that? Why didn't you just supplement? Are you that big of a crack head?
Lynne Dwyer Profile
Lynne Dwyer answered
Anyone asking this question should not be breast feeding. Or, should report a person that is.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Why would any person knowingly give their baby coke. You should definitely take baby to the doctor and they will probably be calling social services. Which they should because apparently you do not have the capacity to properly care for an infant,
High Sea Air Profile
High Sea Air answered
Any mother  who  is using  cocaine  and  breast  feeding  doesnt  deserve to be  a mother

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