
How Long Does It Take To Get Results Back From A Hair Drug Test?


11 Answers

Frances Bott Profile
Frances Bott answered
Typically you can receive hair drug test results within a week or 10 days of being examined. However in some cases it can take up to a month and longer to receive the results from a hair follicle drug test. Once your results are available you will be phoned by a laboratory assistant who will exchange your results for a unique account number that you will have been given in advance to claim your details. The results from a hair follicle drug test are very accurate and, once they are ready, can be collected straight away.

Hair follicle drug tests allow testers to discover the history of any drug usage of a person over the previous three months. Any drugs that have been taken within the three months prior to the test will show up and it is practically impossible to try and hide any drug history from this test. It is a test that is used for highly safety-critical positions where there needs to be a zero tolerance on drug use. Participants will have between eighty and one hundred and twenty strands of hair taken from their head to be sent to the testing laboratory. This hair will be taken from close to the scalp but if the participant is bald, hair from other areas of the body will be sufficient.

The main advantages of hair follicle drug tests is that it is possible to detect drug use over months rather than days, it is a relatively easy process and these results can be used within court. As the hair grows an average of half an inch a month, the length of the hair will determine how far back the drug use can be tracked. Long hair could give years of results. The cost and time it takes to get the results are the biggest disadvantages involved in this way of testing.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If some takes 1 small hit from a pipe of weed will they pass a hair follicle drug test?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Scientists do not know why but often times frequent smokers do pass the test
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If I take a hair drug test tomorrow when will I get the results?
Kristi W Profile
Kristi W answered
I am not sure exactly how far they can actually go back, but I had a friend who's job went back a year. You can buy shampoo to overcome a test.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It only took 24 hours for my daughter which she passed and almost 2 weeks for the father of her son. And he passed. Something doesnt seem right with his results cause he smokes marijuana everyday. Any suggestions on what might have gone wrong would be appreciated.

Concerned Grandma
Em Profile
Em answered
It really depends on the drug in question but yes, the test can go back as far as 3 months... In some cases they have been able to detect narcotics in the hair years later. I do know there are some shampoos out there on the market that claim they are able to strip the follicles so that passing a drug test can be achieved but I'm not certain if they are reliable...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
How long do hair drug tests go back? The only drug I've done was weed and I haven't smoked in 2 months and I don't have to take the test for atleast another 4 months. Do you think I'll be able to pass the test?

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