
How Long Does It Take To Flush Marijuana Out Of Your System Before A Drug Test?


3 Answers

Stewart Pinkerton Profile
More than a week, and none of the magic stuff you hear about on the Net actually works. Water is the best flushing agent.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Drinking 2 gallons of water a day or two before your drug test will clean your system out quick
or you can drink cranberry juice and take a shot of vinegar.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Does the cranberry and vinegar cleanse or just mask? I don't start the job til march 15th and i haven't gotten the notice yet on the drug screening. I got three weeks til i start and wanted to go ahead and start cleansing now. I haven't smoked in over a week and I don't smoke much as it is. But I am heavy set and i know it is stored in my fat tissue. So i figured the sooner i started cleansing the better. Any advise?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It depends on the person....I think a week or 2 is the most common.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Can i pass a salvia drug test using magnum mouthwash if i haven't smoked in 1 week

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