What Is Th Best Toxin Flush For A Drug Test?


1 Answers

wilbert u can call me sue Profile
Lots of water, and charcoal. If you don't have charcoal available, you can make your own, by burning toast and scrapping of the charcoal and stir into a glass of water and consume. As you know, in hospitals, they use charcoal to rid the body, especially in cases of overdose, of any ingested toxins, and medications. There is rapid detox, but this is only done in a life and death situation, and has to be done in a hospital at great expense. Try the charcoal method, tried tested and true, as used in hospitals, and plenty of water. And in the future, try to stay away from drugs for your own sake. I know it's hard, heck, I smoke, I drink, but dang. Terrified of drugs as so many of my friends, and my best friend in the whole world, my brother, is dead due to drugs. Been 25 yrs and still miss him every day :( so take care

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