
What Is The Best Way To Pass A Urine Drug Test?


8 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Thats funny because I passed 8 drug tests by diluting my specimen . The tests were court ordered  for probation as well not just work or rehab. And they went to a lab every time. I would drink nearly a gallon of water before the test, piss as much as possible before I went in, and take plenty of b complex. I also have end stage renal so that may help raise my specific gravity which is one of the components they would test to see if it was a dilute but none the less I passed. And I wouldn't shoot down those over the counter masks as I passed with a $12 detox for a job once as well. They sent me to a lab too, not just an at home kit. So if I had to recommend anything and this is from experience, I would say save the money on the detox and drink plenty of water take your vitamin b complex 2 times a day and work out. Exercise can speed up your metabolism. It worked for me every time and I had smoked up to a day before one of my tests. They slapped me with a surprise screen literally a week before I was off papers. If there is a will there is always a way. Don't listen to these jerk offs who "run the tests" chances are they've never been in your shoes. Obviously they aren't going to tell you it would work because they don't want it to. Notice how on COPS the villain always gets caught. They wouldn't want you to beat them because then the "bad guy" would be defeating their system. No one should be telling you what you can or can't do in your home and if you're not hurting anyone then why should it affect your freedom, job, or livelihood?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Drink tons of water, cranberry juice , and also niacin it comes in 250 and 500 mg you have to drink a lot of water with it it will flush you out for sure !! But let me warn you it's not fun .. You will see what I mean if you take it
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Yeah what he says is cool but once again its only for weed and works sometimes. Trust me im on state parole i know. And about the niacin DONT TAKE IT! They test your urine for that now if you pee gets sent to the lab
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It's the morning of the test, and you're not taking any chances about your urine
stats. First thing you should do in the morning is take a piss. Second thing is
grab a big huge glass of water. Third is drink it. The first urine of the day is
the dirtiest, so it shouldn't be the one you submit to your labs. Try and piss
twice before you go to the piss police.

So, you're in the clinic now. The nurse just told you to fill a cup with urine,
but you're not quite sure if you've made the metabolite cut. There are a few
little tricks that you can do to take the edge of you're sample. First thing is
to not use the urine in the beginning of your stream or the end. These are the
dirtiest parts. Use just the middle (making sure you get enough). Also try
doping* your sample with water just a little. Your main concern when doping is
that the temperature doesn't drop below 90 degrees (90 is the bare minimum) and
that the urine doesn't become so clear and white that it looks freaky. When you
add water, try and make it sorta warm, so it doesn't screw up your temperature.
If you already lowered the temp. Too much, there's something you can still do.
Close up the bottle and hold it under running warm tap water to heat up it's
contents. Here's a trick if you need to know what temperature the water is. Put
your hand under it. Adjust the temperature until you can't decide whether the
water feels hot or cold. When you reach this equilibrium your hand thinks the
water is about at body temperature. Your hand is wrong. The reading is different
for every person, but for me it's usually around 90 degrees. Things that can
screw up your temperature estimating other than your self include the
temperature of the room, and whether you had to make the water hotter or colder
to get to the temp. You're at now. Experiment to see how it works for you.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Cranberry juce lots of it
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Been on state parole for 6 years and water or cranberry juice do not work unless your just trying to flush weed from your system and depending on how much you smoke and what your body fat content is then you have to seriously watch cause it dont always work
aroua histake Profile
aroua histake answered
Like Loveatstak says drink lots of water. But if you don't do drugs I don't see
why you need to worry unless you do,do them

if you get caught it could be  a best way for you to turn sober :/

and don't listen to Kaylakat. That is just stupid. They can tell if its a kids
urine. And if you do carry it with you in your pants your most likely going to stink.
Or sit down wrong and pop the bag to where its all over you. YUCK!

Lots of water,or any liquids,(water recommended) and if you decide to do the
water trick,PLEASE EAT! If you urinate a lot,you will be disposing salts and
chemicals in your body and you will most likley get weak, if your lucky.


thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Lol look one time i used my little sisters pee i put it in a zip lock bag then rolled it up and taped it. Then put in into another ziplock bag with warm water. And taped it to my leg. I went into the place they told me not to flush or wash my hands. I simply went in opened the little bag poured the piss into the cup. Pissed in the toilet then just walked out and everything came back good. And i made 20k in just like 5 months working there. Lol its to easy. Piss test are the easiest thing ever.
Kayla Kat Profile
Kayla Kat answered
Get a child to pee in a bottle for you, and take it in a bag like contraption in your pants. It'll be warm and clean.
thanked the writer.
aroua histake
aroua histake commented
Ummm they can tell if its ur pee or not. So that's really not a good answer.
Anonymous commented
I tried that they check the temp do not do that
Anonymous commented
Ive been on state parole for 6 years and never used my own pee. It can be womans, mens, toddlers pee just as long as its clean. And it does work ive never had a dirty urine and am off parole in april 2009 so people dont tell her shes wrong cause she knows exactly what shes talking about.
Krystal DeLaRosa Profile
Other than having someone else's urine, there is nothing you can do to pass if you are dirty. The supplements at GNC and everything they sell to pass, will either not work or will make your urine come back diluted which is almost as bad as a dirty urine.
thanked the writer.
Krystal DeLaRosa
Krystal DeLaRosa commented
I've been there..had to give urines and knew I was dirty. Trust me, i've tried everything. One time I only did 2 lines of coke and drank a ton of water & cranberry juice. 2 days later I gave a urine. It came back diluted AND positive for cocaine.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You guys are all idiots I run the drug tests for a living and nothing anyone has said will actually work.

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