Will taking Niacin (flush formula, 500mg) fail a court ordered drug test/show up as a "masker"?


1 Answers

Olsen Mo Profile
Olsen Mo answered
Sorry, but you may fail this test for adulteration agents (cheating agents), not becouse of the THC.
I think 30-40 days is enough time to get clean for urine test, base on your body type (from your pic). For next time have on mind...
THC( marijuana metabolite which is what the drug test looks for) stay in the body fat cells (people with more body fats needs more time to get clean) When your metabolism breaks down these fats and they enter the blood stream ,blood absorbs THC wastes in fat.  For this reason cleaning proses is slowly, because this work when you burn fat, not whenever blood passes the fats storing THC (then THC in your blood filters through your kidney,then to your bladder, then you pee it out).  The only ways to extract THC faster  from the fat cells is to exercise and take a detoxifying product with fat burning effect (like Niacin).But its not good to restore fats/THC 1-2 days before the drug test (concentration in the blood and urine will be higher) and personaly for Niacin ...its major adulteration agent they looking for.
Also 5 per 500mg, this is extreamly dangerous dose (niacin can be toxic for a body ), check out negative effects .And best you can do next time is to home test yourself first, you can find a rapid home drug tests at any pharmacy.

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