
How Long Does Marijuana Show In A Saliva Drug Test?


7 Answers

Meg Hayes Profile
Meg Hayes answered
The amount of time the drug stays in your system varies with the dose and your body type, some people are just lucky and the drug may not be picked up by the test. On average, though, it will stay in your system for around 3 to 5 days, longer if you do not brush your teeth. 
These saliva tests are generally used to show current intoxication although they do not indicate a level of impairment in the same way that a blood alcohol test does. The accuracy of the test is around 97-98% with false negatives being common, particularly over 12 hours after consuming the drug where the accuracy takes a sharp drop.
It can be detected in the body through other tests for much longer, however with urine tests being effective up to a couple of weeks, although they will not necessarily show up in someone who has just smoked because the active ingredient THC needs time to metabolize in the body and be passed in the urine.
Heavy or regular smokers have reported positive drug tests after up to 90 days, this is because the THC is stored in fat cells in the liver, brain and other areas.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Heres the real deal, ignore everything below me. I have taken these tests and done interviews with cops and drug specialists, and my mother administers these tests. If you are a chronic user, you can test positive in a saliva test for up to 4 days! But if you smoke rarely or occasionaly then it will be out in 24 hours.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No unique you are so wrong it only stays up to 1 hour to 24 hours AFTER ingestion
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It has been found in up to 72 hours after smoking but thats it
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Wikipedia knows all, tells all.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm not for sure but think it's somewhere in the rnge of 30-90 days.. Google it dude!

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