
Will My Frozen Urine Work For A Drug Test If I Thaw It Correctly?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes. It'll stay good for a year or more. Do not let it sit out for more than 8 hours after thawing. Hold it it your underwear or use a hand warmer to keep it at body temp, 98 degrees.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No.Usually they watch you "do Your Thing" and the temp. Of the urine would have to be in a very close range.
thanked the writer.
Johnny K. G.
Johnny K. G. commented
I have found that "MnM mini" bottles work well. They fit right between your junk and leg and if you keep the urine there for 10-15 minutes after thawing, it will reach your core body temp. Also, the "MnM mini" containers don't "POP" when you open or shut them so even if someone is standing behind you, they won't hear you open the lid and dump the urine into their cup. I get randoms every week and i've been getting them for a year straight so far and it's worked every time.
Krystal DeLaRosa Profile
Probably not, since the urine has to be body temp. They also usually watch you or have cameras so it's hard to bring in anything.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
It depends on the place you are sent to and why you are having to test. Mine was for pre-employment testing which they have u sign in, wait to be called and then have u put your items in a locker, lock it, and take the key with u inside the bathrm. If taking in frozen p, let it thaw and get back to body temp, a quick 10sec. In microwave while in the mini bottle. Put in your crotch or under your arm inside your bra if female. Then make sure u see the temp strip on the mini bottle prior to pouring into test container. If it's good shake it, take the cap off, pour a dab into toilet, then into test container. Whatever u do don't drop the cap or bottle, place back n place. Chek the tester temp, and take ur time if you need to. And try not to act nervous when you get out. Then go have a drink...good luck.
Karen Floyd Profile
Karen Floyd answered
I don't matter, they will not let you take anything in the bathroom for you to pp in. And some place's will accompany you to the restroom. So don't pp in a cup and freeze it. They have ways of checking it . To many people have gotten caught for trying to pass a drug test. But good luck in your endeaver.

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